quote id

In Magento 2 you can create order and quote programmatically. You can create this function in helper, controller and in Model. It depands upon you where you want to create. In my example, i am creating this in a controller. See the Below example:

1) First you need to create an array of customer billing address and shipping address.

you can get address details from customer address.

$OrderDetails= [
    'currency_id' => 'USD',
    'email' => '',
    'shipping_address' => [
            'firstname'=> 'Test',
            'company'=>'Test Pvt. Ltd.',
            'street'=>'601,test street',
    'billing_address' => [
            'firstname'=> 'Test',
            'company'=>'Test Pvt. Ltd.',
            'street'=>'601,test street',
    'items' => [
        ['product_id' => '1', 'qty' => 1],

2) Now create a controller and paste below code in your controller. And change module namespace according to your module.

Run php bin/magento setup:di:compile when you add any dependency injection.Because without php bin/magento setup:di:compile it throws error in code.

Hope this will helps you!